
消息 > Town and Gown Symposium on 30 Years of Urban Planning and Development in Hong Kong and China - Past, Present and Future
日期: 2011年1月8日, 星期六, 2:00 pm - 5:15 pm
题目: Town and Gown Symposium on 30 Years of Urban Planning and Development in Hong Kong and China - Past, Present and Future
主办单位: 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning (CUSUP) The University of Hong Kong
地点: Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
会议主题: 座谈会
讲者 : Prof. Reginald Kwok, Prof. Sir Peter Hall, Prof. Zhou Ganzhi and Dr. Peter Pun
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