
活動剪影 > Visit to Macao Housing Bureau
日期: 2007年3月16日
活動簡介: Visit to Macao Housing Bureau

Mr. Victor Chow led the new Branch Executive Committee for 2007/09 visit the Macao Housing Bureau on 16 March 2007. The delegation was graced by the presence of Dr. Chiang Coc-meng, Director of Macao Housing Bureau and other senior officials of the Bureau. At the meeting, views on property management amid the rampant economic development faced by the Macao housing practitioners were exchanged and shared between housing professionals from Hong Kong and Macau. The two organizations planned to meet again in the near future. Dr. Chiang was very pleased to meet with the new Branch Executive Committee and wished the Branch to continue to flourish in future.


活動剪影 (請點擊圖片以放大):
Dr. Chiang, Director of Macao Housing Bureau, meeting with the delegation Group photo with the officials from Macao Housing Bureau taken outside their headquarters
Chairman receiving souvenir from Dr. Chiang, Director of Macao Housing Bureau