
消息 > The driving force of customer experience and innovation in the digital era for shopping malls and retails - Part 2 : How retails and shopping can transform customer experience and unlock potential opportunities through NFTs and data monetization?
日期: 15 Mar 2023
題目: The driving force of customer experience and innovation in the digital era for shopping malls and retails - Part 2 : How retails and shopping can transform customer experience and unlock potential opportunities through NFTs and data monetization?
主辦單位: 商場管理學會
地點: EY wavespace, 22/F Citic Tower,1 Tim Mei Avenue, Central
會議主題: 研討會
表格或單章: Click to download
相關網址: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ARdjpJr3iUKPThKXH5PbihkmbI0xvuxMkv3dhxM35gZURVZZVVE4TTRZUk1ZRjFETTNYMjA4R0tKWC4u